Password Meter

Small project I worked on shortly after starting at Concur. Password meter placed into password reset page, built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Gogo Wi-Fi

Incorporated Gogo Wi-Fi purchase capability into the travel itinerary. This included two end-point calls (one for Wi-Fi availability, the other for purchase). Technologies used included HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C#/.Net.

Travel Points New UI (Hotel Search)

Revised Travel Points UI work with hotel search results and booking.

Technologies utilized included CSS3 transitions and LESS, and was developed much in the same manner as the results for Air.

Travel Points New UI (Flight Search)

The Concur UI is being redone for a more modern look with newer technologies such as Bootstrap and LESS. Included with this work I reworked the travel points display. It is an AJAX driven page where the travel points and price-to-beat data is loaded after flight information is retrieved. CSS3 transformations were used to animate the loading of the display to draw attention to it and make the loading less disruptive. A LESS parametric mixin for transitions was created and utilized when developing this.

Travel Points (Flight Search)

Travel Points introduce gamification into the flight and lodging search processes. Users can earn points by beating an "average expensed amount", which can later be redeemed for upgrades.

Three things to look at in this screen shot:
  1. The badge at the top of the page. The badge image was done with CSS sprites that allow for it to stretch for text in different languages and different point totals. (Also involves call to end point to get user's current point total).
  2. The gray box with the total you need to beat to earn travel points. Involves a call to an endpoint to get the "average expense amount" for the search criteria.
  3. In the listing of available flights you see text stating how many points you can use to upgrade your flight without requiring managerial approval. In the case the flight cost comes in under the "price to beat" then the text will tell you how many points you may earn. This involved building up a JavaScript object model with rules points and rendering methods, and injecting calls to this from JavaScript which was generated by XSL transformations of XML flight search results.

Travel Points (Hotel Search)

Travel Points UI work with hotel search reslts and booking. Similar to flight, this involved building up a JavaScript object model with rules points and rendering methods, and injecting calls to this from JavaScript which was generated by XSL transformations of XML lodging search results.

Travel Itinerary

One of two developers who worked on the travel itinerary overhaul, my work primarily involved some of the more "graphical" layout, including the left hand side gradients, and the additional booking icons with expanding/collapsing. Technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript and C#/.Net.